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We regularly have fund raising activities in and around chorleywood which we need help with. For instance, running a bar at concert or help selling cakes at garden party. We also send out packages containing donated items such as books, school equipment, clothes and hand made blankets like the one above. Your help is greatly appreciated by us and the children.


Get Involved and enjoy helping others help themselves


The children benefit in  many ways from their sponsors, not only do they help provide them with  many essentials they love  to receive letters. Above are letters written by the children to their sponsors. It's easy to create a relationship, who knows you may wish to visit your sponsored child. We are always looking for new sponsors.

Help with a child's health and education




Education is taken very seriously in Uganda, even with qualifications jobs are hard to come by. Some young adults need help after leaving school. An interest free loan  can assist a young person to start a business. It is hugely rewarding for both partners. The young man who made the bracelets above with the assistance of a loan has now expanded to making sandals to sell.

Help start a new business and make someone self-sufficient.



Raising funds and donating useful items

Small  Business Loans

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